Well, I'm glad you asked!
As you know, FAITH was the one who taught me how to train with kindness.
The one who opened my eyes to the millions of possibilities that we were missing out on by only focusing on squashing down any undesirable behaviours, instead of encouraging and promoting behaviours that I actually wanted to see her do more of.
But OSCAR...
Oscar is the reason why the Pups & Ponies games are so varied, and why we cover so many different angles within the same task (because he gets very easily bored and always wants to be doing something new and exciting...so you can thank him for the multiple options when it comes to choosing games for your particular struggles 😊).
He is the reason why, when you move up a level inside a game, you're only changing 1 little thing at a time (as this avoids overwhelm, and helps to keep the game FUN!).
Oscar is also the reason why, at any given moment, there is an epic spiderweb of ideas whizzing around in my brain; making connections between
behaviours + games + theories + emotions
so that you guys can easily figure out what it is that you are struggling with, and then find a Pups & Ponies service + games bundle to suit those needs.
(The Pick 'N' Mix Method really helps you nail this 👍)
He is my biggest motivator for connecting each and every game with some background theory, as well as a selection of pre- and post-play game suggestions; so that you can continue to improve upon your new-found skills, without making life too overwhelming, or getting stuck doing the same few games on repeat!
And finally, Oscar is the reason why I will probably never stop inventing new and exciting games to use in training
- because his brain is a lot like mine, and never seems to shut up 🤣!
He's always got to be learning something!
everything that I've just told you is related to The Pick 'N' Mix Method, because now you know who we are; understand what we do; and have hopefully managed to catch a glimpse of all of the amazing work that we do here 💕