Our 'Trainer In Your Pocket' service is

"simply genius",

"a bit of a god-send"


"really, really helpful!"

according to some of our current users.



you'll get 24/7 access to

our Head Trainer, Cass

which will mean that you can:-

  • Ask any and all of your dog-related questions to a qualified force free dog trainer.

  • Send videos of your training and receive personalised feedback from a qualified force free dog trainer.

  • Have a custom Training Plan designed *just for you* - which will include all of the relevant games from our EPIC Games Library; so that you can start to transform your very specific dog-related struggles into your new found dog training SUPER STRENGTHS!


  • You'll also have UNLIMITED ACCESS to 1-to-1 training sessions via Zoom (which on their own would normally set you back £50 for an hour - so even if you only utillise 1 per month, you're already onto a winner!)


Here at Pups & Ponies



You guys are like family to us,

and we come to love

and care for your dog(s)

as if they were our own :-)

but in order for us to give you the fully-customised coaching experience


We really want to know: WHO ARE YOU? and HOW CAN WE HELP?

(Filling out the form below enables us to make a start on tailoring your 'Trainer In Your Pocket' coaching experience, so that it can better suit your current circumstances, and your specific dog-related struggles)

So what happens now?

✔ If we've got a space available for you then you will shortly receive an email containing your "Enroll Now" button.

Simply press that button, follow the instructions at checkout to secure your place, and then jump into your designated 'pocket' and start getting settled in!

❌ However, if we're already running at full-capacity (because we do have limits - we're only human at the end of the day), then we'll get in touch with you via the email address you left on the form above, to give you the link for our Waiting List; so that you can set yourself up to be first in-line for whenever a new spot opens up.

Before you go, we thought you might like to know the answers to a few of our most Frequently Asked Questions...

--> Inside of Trainer In Your Pocket, do I need an appointment to talk to my Trainer?


Once you've been accepted into the 'Trainer In Your Pocket' family, you'll have 24/7 access to our Head Trainer, Cass, via your own personal training space, or 'pocket' - so you can talk to her and ask her your questions whenever you like!


--> How do I contact my Trainer?

You've got 2 options:-

  1. The first way is through your 'pocket'. Simply log in, click on your Trainer In Your Pocket badge, and then ask your question under the relevant Milestone tab. Your Trainer will get back to you just as soon as they can :-)
  2. The second option is to email Cass (via [email protected]), although you'll get a quicker and more personalised response if you keep all conversations inside of your personal training space / 'pocket'.


--> How do I book a 1-to-1 Zoom session with my Trainer?

Just talk to your Trainer and we'll get a 1-to-1 session set up for you :-)


--> Can I share photos and videos with my Trainer through my 'pocket'?


And we LOVE seeing them - so share, share, share those awesome doggy photos and videos!!!


--> How long is the term of the subscription?

There is no fixed term for this service.

It is a rolling monthly subscription service, which will continue to roll over to the next month until cancelled.

(For most cases, we do recommend that you anticipate spending at least 4-6 months here with us; but you are free to leave whenever you choose)


--> Once I've achieved my goals, how do I end my subscription?

Simply drop us an email (via [email protected]) BEFORE YOUR NEXT PAYMENT IS DUE letting us know that you'd like to terminate your subscription, and we'll switch it off for you from our end :-).


--> If I end my Trainer In Your Pocket subscription, will I lose access to all of the conversations that I've had with my Trainer?


We don't believe in cutting you off, or making you lose everything that you've worked so hard to achieve with us, so when your subscription ends, you will lose the ability to talk to your Trainer through your 'pocket', HOWEVER, you will still have access to all of the conversations that you had; and you will still be able to view all of the resources that your Trainer shared with you as you worked your way through each of the Milestones. You just won't be able to ask any more questions, or have any more tasks set for you.


--> If I end my Trainer In Your Pocket subscription but then change my mind and want to come back again - can I do that?

Yes, absolutely!

Although there is no guarantee that we will have any empty 'pockets' for you to jump back into, so you may have to go on our waiting list for a little while and wait for a space to open up for you.


--> If I end my Trainer In Your Pocket subscription and then re-enroll at a later date, will I still have the same 'pocket' as before (i.e. will all of my previous information still be there, or will I have to start from scratch again)?

So long as you re-enroll using the same email address etc as before, then yes, all of your previous information should still be in your old 'pocket', ready and waiting for you to pick up where you left off last time.

(If you choose to re-enroll using different details, then you'll be given an empty 'pocket' to work from - but if you can remember your details for your previous 'pocket' then you will still be able to access all of the information contained inside...you just won't be able to contact your Trainer through that 'pocket')

If you have any further questions regarding Trainer In Your Pocket, then please don't hesitate to get in touch!

- we really do love hearing from you :-).